Float On!

"The truth is that the only time I'm happy is when I'm doing absolutely nothing. I don't understand people who like to work and talk about it like it was some sort of duty. Doing nothing feels like floating on warm water to me. Delightful, perfect."

-Ava Gardner

My introduction to floating began about six years ago when I first heard avid floater and comedian Joe Rogan raving about it on his podcast.  I Googled 'float tank nashville' and booked myself a float.

As a professional songwriter and artist for 25 years, I have always been interested in novel experiences. I've had my share. But nothing quite like lying on your back for an hour in silent darkness floating on eleven inches of warm, Epsom salt saturated water.

At first it was sort of intimidating; my mind was pretty active during those first few floats. I had read somewhere online that breathing exercises could effectively soothe the ‘monkey mind,’ so I began counting my breaths—one to ten—and then after ten, starting over at one. Twenty minutes or so counting and I would wind up dissolving blissfully in a dreamy state of juicy awareness. Sometimes I would come out of floats with these zen-like ‘mystical sayings’ ringing in my ears.

 “Floating does nothing. Yet nothing is left undone.”

Over time, I learned to sorta ‘go offline’ during my floats. Dropped the breath-counting and began to follow one of Joe Rogan's favorite floatisms,

 “Let go, and then let go of letting go.”

Soon it became obvious that floating was my thing. I signed up for a membership and it was official. I was a Floater. I got out of one 90-minute session (during a particularly stressful week) and said to myself on the drive home, ‘Wow. I am passionate about this.’

It was around that time when I heard of an opportunity to work at Float Horizen; a clean, state-of-the-art, family-run float center located a mile from my house in East Nashville.

Fast Forward more than 2 years to today, I've helped introduce floating to thousands of people. And I've had the luxury of logging more than 150 float hours!

The world is always changing. Learn how to allow for it.” - Elizabeth Gilbert

I am truly grateful for float therapy and for the service we provide at Float Horizen. I enjoy interacting with our clients before and after their floats. The faces sort of glow after they get out of their floats and come back through the lobby. 

Additional service offerings include Massage Therapy such as Therapeutic Relaxing Massage (with hot stone & cupping ad-ons), Deep Tissue, Myofascial Sports Massage, and Prenatal massage. We also offer Reiki energy healing as well as private Sound Meditation sessions… the options for self-care are endless at Float Horizen!  Can’t wait to see you!!  Float on!! 

Carey is a Nashville-based singer-songwriter / producer and Soul Activist. He also teaches guitar and meditation (https://facebook.com/careyotthttps://linktr.ee/careyott

- Carey Ott

Zane Ritter